The Butterfly Man

ImageEvery now and again I remind myself this is meant to be my ‘writer’s blog’ and post ‘writing things’ on it.  Today is such a day.   I just put ‘The Butterfly Man’ on free promotion on Kindle for four days.   Got that, folks?  ‘The Butterfly Man’ for free on Kindle:  in US; in UK.  Bells, whistles, small dance troupe.  OK, well, the dancers are coming later – but they’ll be here, I promise…..

There are reasons other than the strictly commercial.  I can’t leave my books alone.  Some, I am told, treat the finished manuscript as a point of last contact.  Once it is published they move on.  That doesn’t seem to work for me:  after editing, I may go into denial for a few months, even a year, but I will be back.  I’ll re-read, I’ll see a dozen things I could have done better, and I’ll want to change them.  I’ll resist the temptation, maybe for years, but in the end…..

I wrote ‘The Butterfly Man’ in 2008.  It went on holiday to Smashwords for five months earlier this year, and when it came back refreshed it came back changed!  There were weak points, as I saw them, in the plot, mainly because I wrote it intending it should be simply romantic fiction and half-way through it turned into something else: the characterisation could be filled out and improved, and – guess what –  I changed the ending! 

So no excuses and no apologies for offering it for free.  If you bought the original, get the re-edits for nothing.  See what you think, and maybe tell me if you think I’ve finally become completely delusional…..


4 responses to “The Butterfly Man”

  1. “The Butterfly Man” I think it is a great title.


    1. Thanks – it was one of my first books. Googling ‘The Butterfly Man’ brings up some fascinating diversions, and one particularly interesting (and maybe harrowing) story about a street juggler who gave himself that title. There are one or two good youtube clips. The harrowing side is his apparent illness from throat cancer. He is believed to be in a hospice somewhere…


      1. I may just have to google “The Butterfly Man” .
        Funny I can’t seem to imagine life without goolge or YouTube. That alone seem strange to me,


        1. Substitute realities? I sometimes think they are. They bring the world to our door and we connect somehow, but at what level, I wonder?


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