The Liebster Award


Many thanks to Benjamin Brede (follow this link to his brilliant blog) who has been kind enough to nominate this place for a Liebster Award.

The Liebster welcomes “new” bloggers that have less than 1,000 followers, not merely by showcasing us struggling hacks but by opening windows to our souls (mind you, you might think some windows are better left shut!). Here are the rules:

1.) Link back to the person who nominated you. (very gladly Benjamin – nice blog!)

2.) Share 11 facts about yourself. (Oh, no! surely….)

3.) Answer 11 questions that were asked by the person who nominated you.

4.) Nominate 11 people who you think deserve the Liebster Award.

5.) Ask 11 questions to your nominees to answer.

6.) Ask your nominees to add that big green Leibster Award shield to their blogs (easily done – just link back tot he embedded image above or go to the original Liebster site. Wear it with pride, guys.

So, here we go:

11 facts about myself:

I am imperfect.

Above all else, I dislike pretentious people.

No matter how hard I try, I make mistakes.

I am not a tidy person.

Food is more important to me than it should be, but that isn’t about to change.

If I could I would live the rest of my life on a boat.

Childhood poverty is the ankus that prods.

I am slow to trust.

I am probably a solitary person, and only confident in my own company.

I am a writer. I have opinions. Lots of opinions.

I love my environment, but it holds me prisoner.

Now I’ll have a shot at answering Benjamin’s questions:

1 – What is your favorite memory?

When I was 17 I drove my first car to a trig point high in the hills. I sat watching a procession of thunderstorms crossing the valley. It was a new kind of freedom, just sitting alone amongst those furious clouds with nature on fire all around me.

2 – What is your favourite thing to talk about?

Oh, anything! Give me a subject and then just try and stop me!

3 – What is your favourite thing to write about (this is very different than the previous question)?

Maybe Sci-Fi? I guess that must be it. Mostly, whatever the backcloth, my work is about people. What makes us tick, what spurs the horses of the inner mind.

4 – What is your favourite thing about yourself?

I’d have to dig deep. It’s sort of negative, this, but I don’t think I’m mean. Will that do?

5 – If you could live anywhere for three months, where would it be?

On a boat! But OK, on a realistic level, if I had to choose a City it would be Amsterdam. Less realistically, Agios Stephanos, Meteora Monastery – perfect peace, perfect prospect, perfectly devoid of debt collection agencies (unless they’re sufficiently zealous to be raised five hundred feet in a bucket)!

6 – Why do you write?

I don’t think I can give a reason for this. I always have. I could no more cease writing voluntarily than cease eating (BTW, I love food!).

7 – What keeps you motivated?


8 – What type of books do you read?

Mostly classic novels: I’m just finishing Lawrence’s ‘The White Peacock’ at the moment. Before that, ‘Dombey and Son’. More modern favourites? Salman Rushdie, Vikram Seth, Philip Pullman. Honestly, I’m not a great reader.

9 – What’s your second favourite hobby?

I don’t really have one at the moment, unless you count the family dog. In the past I’ve done scratch modelling, some DIY….

10 – Do you believe in aliens?

Yes, of course. There are millions of worlds out there, and some at least must be populated. Aliens on our world are rather doubtful, I think; though to this day I cannot understand how the crews of Apollos 11 and 12 failed to make contact with the Clangers.

11 – Tell me a story.

This needed time, but I have it for you. It is rather large, so I will post it separately. It is called ‘The Perfect Bear’.

These are my nominees for the Liebster Award. All are blogs I am privileged to follow:


And here are the questions I would like to ask them:

My Questions:

1. If you could meet a famous person from history who would it be and what one question would you like to ask them?

2. Which of the world’s wrongs do you most want to put right?

3. What is your favourite film of all time?

4. Do you believe in the supernatural?

5. What is your favourite book?

6. What is the one embarrassing moment you always remember? (It’s alright, you can lie!)

7. Describe your perfect weekend.

8. What would you like people to say about you after you’ve left the room?

9. What really, really irritates you?

10. If the entire world had to be just one colour, what would you like that colour to be?

11. What do you think your afterlife will be like?

Best wishes, fellow bloggers, and may the force be with you! My story for Benjamin, ‘The Perfect Bear’ follows.

17 responses to “The Liebster Award”

  1. Fun to learn these things about you! But I’m wondering, is the food good in Amsterdam? I’m betting the chocolate is. 🙂


    1. Oh, yes! Food, street entertainment, jazz cafes, and certain cafes where the food is of a subtly different savour. The Van Gogh museum, the Rembrandt museum….shall I go on?


  2. Thank you for nomination, what an honour for me! :)))) Greetings 🙂


    1. You’re very welcome, Sophie. I love your blog!


      1. And here’s mine post of Liebster Award Thank you again! Greetings :)))


  3. Hi Fred,
    Thank you for the nomination!! I really enjoyed doing it. You can view it here Best wishes! 🙂


    1. Great response Emilija (oh, I hope I got that right!) I too am an ex-smoker, and it is something to be proud of!


      1. Sorry, Shayne, this site definitely has it in for me! I liked your responses so much! Happy blogging!


      2. Hello Fred! I don’t know how to let you know, so I’ll just leave it here haha 😀 I’ve nominated you for a ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award’. You make the blog universe brighter with your writing. Check out the nomination and rules here:

        Best wishes! 🙂


  4. 1. If you could meet a famous person from history who would it be and what one question would you like to ask them? I’d ask John Lennon if he would like to have stayed on earth and witness how many lives he touched with his song Imagine.

    2. Which of the world’s wrongs do you most want to put right? Poverty and the consequences to children.

    3. What is your favourite film of all time? Casablanca

    4. Do you believe in the supernatural? Of course.

    5. What is your favourite book? The bible.

    6. What is the one embarrassing moment you always remember? (It’s alright, you can lie!) Being ticketed infront of my peers in high school for a broken wind screen.

    7. Describe your perfect weekend. Right here right now.

    8. What would you like people to say about you after you’ve left the room? She inspired me.

    9. What really, really irritates you? Unnecessary parenthesese and using more dots than necessary in a ellipsis.

    10. If the entire world had to be just one colour, what would you like that colour to be? Glittery Pink!


    1. Thank you, Julie, for those interesting and fun replies! Wow…….I don’t know what to say! (but then I never do), really….(do I?)


      1. No worries! 🙂


  5. Saima Qureshi Avatar
    Saima Qureshi

    Good to read it. I’ll reply at the earliest Fredrick.


  6. […] Frederick Anderson — (nominated me for Leibster Award) A real-life published author, and writer of awesome thought-provoking posts. I love that he writes with a cool accent. Also, he has really smart avian friends. […]


  7. Frederick, I’d like to thank you so much for thinking of my blog for a nomination! I love reading your posts and stories, and it makes me happy to know that you have noticed my little corner of WP! I can’t fully participate but here are my replies to your questions, just quick ones 🙂

    1. If you could meet a famous person from history who would it be and what one question would you like to ask them? I’d like to ask Amelia Earhart what the heck happened up there???

    2. Which of the world’s wrongs do you most want to put right? Put away all the “entitlement” issues out there and consider the next person!

    3. What is your favourite film of all time? I have to pick just one? Maybe “Dr. Zhivago.”

    4. Do you believe in the supernatural? Of course.

    5. What is your favourite book? Again, I have to pick just one? The Bible, but if you mean fiction, then I might say “Anathem” by Neal Stephenson.

    6. What is the one embarrassing moment you always remember? (It’s alright, you can lie!) There’s too many to discuss here.

    7. Describe your perfect weekend. Any weekend spent, stress-free, with my awesome husband.

    8. What would you like people to say about you after you’ve left the room? She’s a considerate and reliable person.

    9. What really, really irritates you? Bad drivers. And smokers. Especially when they stand right in the entrance to a building and you have to walk through the smoke to get inside.

    10. If the entire world had to be just one colour, what would you like that colour to be? Lavender. It’s very calming.

    11. What do you think your afterlife will be like? I think it will be just like the Bible describes it. Spent praising God for eternity.


    1. Thank you so much for answering my Liebster questions. Your replies strike many chords for me – I had forgotten Doctor Zhivago, for example, and now I am determined to watch it again. Oh, and incidentally, I have to agree these blog awards are too time-consuming: a good way of spreading the word, maybe, and sincerely flattering, but huge predators of one’s work-space.


      1. You’re welcome. I may have to watch Dr. Zhivago again myself! As for the awards, I really like “spreading the word” by placing links in my blog posts to particularly inspiring blogs that I find. I hope people click on the link I placed to yours. I love reading about your Corbeau!


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